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How to grow lemongrass: Lemongrass (Cymbopogon) is a tropical plant in the grass family. Commonly grown for use in cooking because of its scent and subtle citrus flavor. It is also used as a medicinal herb.

Lemongrass is widely used in Asian cooking. It is often used in soups, curries, and making teas.

It’s extremely easy to propagate lemongrass from stalks. The method I am going to show you is foolproof and works almost 100 percent of the time.

FAQ for lemongrass

Lemongrass is a tropical plant that grows best in warm, humid environments. It will not tolerate frost or extreme heat, so it’s important to choose a location that gets plenty of sun but doesn’t get too hot.

What is lemongrass?

Lemongrass ready for harvesting

Lemongrass is a grassy-smelling herb that’s native to Southeast Asia. Its name comes from the French word for lemon, “limon.” It’s used in cooking and as a tea, and it can be found in many health products.

Is lemongrass a perennial?

Lemongrass new leaf

Hi! Lemongrass is a perennial, meaning it comes back year after year. You’ll likely need to divide the plant every few years to keep it healthy, but it will grow back each time.

Is Lemongrass easy to grow?

New Roots and Leaf

Yep! Lemongrass is very easy to grow. It’s a perennial plant, and it’s pretty hardy. You’ll need to keep an eye on the soil and make sure it doesn’t dry out, but that’s really the only thing you have to do.

The only real downside is that if you don’t prune it, it will get taller than you want it and take up more space than you have room for. If this happens, just cut off the top growth with a pair of scissors and let the plant regrow from the bottom.

How Do I Propagate and Grow Lemongrass?

Lemongrass requires lots of sunlight and water. Step-by-step guides for growing this popular ingredient.

  1. Root Lemongrass in water for 1 week. Replace the water every day to avoid rotting, new roots and leaves will start to grow after 2-3 days. The stalks will produce roots better in water than in soil.
  2. Tiny roots will start to develop after a few days. Once roots start growing, the growth rate can be staggering and fun to watch. Avoid direct sunlight at this stage.
  3. After 1 week in water, place the stalks cutting in a pot with good soil mix.
  4. Water the plant twice a day for a few days after planting so that the new plant is not under stress before more roots establish.
  5. Lemongrass will grow into large (hefty) shrubs and be ready for harvest after 4-6 months. Harvesting can be done anytime throughout the year, just twist and pull the stalks from the ground.
Root Lemongrass Cutting in water

Root Lemongrass cutting in water. Change water every day. Tiny roots appear after 1 week.

Lemongrass new leaf

New leaves begin to grow after 2-3 days in water.

New Roots and Leaf

Some stalks divide after a week of rooting in water. Ready to go into the ground. 

2 weeks old lemongrass

2 weeks after planting.

Lemongrass ready for harvesting

Under ideal conditions, the stalks should be ready for harvest after 4-6 months. You can cook with it or use it for making tea. Happy gardening.

New Roots and Leaf
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How to grow lemongrass

It’s extremely easy to propagate lemongrass from stalks. The method I am going to show you is foolproof and works almost 100 percent of the time.
Total Time7 days


  • Root Lemongrass in water for 1 week. Replace the water every day to avoid rotting, new roots and leaves will start to grow after 2-3 days. The stalks will produce roots better in water than in soil.
  • Tiny roots will start to develop after a few days. Once roots start growing, the growth rate can be staggering and fun to watch. Avoid direct sunlight at this stage.
  • After 1 week in water, place the stalks cutting in a pot with good soil mix.
  • Water the plant twice a day for a few days after planting so that the new plant is not under stress before more roots establish.
  • Lemongrass will grow into large (hefty) shrubs and be ready for harvest after 4-6 months. Harvesting can be done anytime throughout the year, just twist and pull the stalks from the ground.


Growing Lemongrass